Fighting For Your Rights And Interests Since 1997

Our First Blog Post

On Behalf of | Dec 17, 2014 | Firm News

How exciting! Our first blog post! I have spent many years writing. I write every day. As a matter of fact, I spend a significant portion of most days … you guessed it … writing! In fact, I do all kinds of writing:

1. Professional Writing: I write and draft letters, pleadings, memoranda of law and the like for my clients, judges and other lawyers. I spend a lot of time doing this every day. In fact, writing legalese comes easier for me than most anything else.

2. Emails / Letters: I also spend a lot of time at my desk writing to and responding to emails. As a matter of fact, I have purchased a desk to stand at, rather than to sit at, to improve my activity level so that I stand more than I sit, because … I spend so much time writing and responding to emails.

3. Then there is this … our first blog post.

The blog post represents a new kind of writing for me. Our office hopes to accomplish a number of different objectives with our blog:

  • We hope to keep clients up to date on events at our office.
  • We intend to publish articles on exciting developments in the law across the state and / or country.
  • Finally, we will also try to utilize the blog post to keep clients informed on upcoming closures and changes in our schedule related to inclement weather, and the like.

I really am looking forward to connecting with clients, and potential clients, using this forum. I say welcome to our new site and we hope to bring you some interesting news on the legal front soon!

